Faucet Script

Faucet script

Download here the faucet script.

Download Faucet script


  • Ready-to-use script
  • Captcha support (SolveMedia, ReCaptcha)
  • Private admin area
  • Minimal configuration needed
  • Support to theming (Twig-powered)
  • Clean and lightweight


  • Apache >= 2.2 (with mod_rewrite)
  • PHP >= 5.3
  • MySQL >= 5 (with PDO support)
  • cURL > 7.36
  • PHP Mcrypt extension (recommended)


  1. Download the faucet script.
  2. Extract the files in your webserver public area.
  3. Edit the file config/config.yml with the database configuration parameters.
    Example configuration:
        host: localhost
        username: root
        password: root
        name: paytoshi_faucet
  4. Visit your faucet, a wizard will generate the admin password and populate the database.
  5. Customize your faucet in your admin area.
  6. Start earning!

After your first payouts your faucet will be automatically added to our faucet list.

Remember to deposit a sum of Bitcoin (e.g. 0.01 BTC) to your deposit address before starting.


  1. Download the updated faucet script.
  2. Copy the file config/config.yml somewhere safe.
  3. If you made some changes to your theme copy also the themes directory.
  4. Otherwrite everything with the files contained in the previously downloaded faucet script.
  5. Restore your config file and theme folder.

Got any problems?

This error is usually related to an old version of cURL installed on your server (<7.36). You can solve this problem by disabling TLS in your faucet script. Simply change this line in src/Looptribe/Paytoshi/App.php:

'api_url' => 'https://paytoshi.org/api/v1/faucet/send',


'api_url' => 'http://paytoshi.org/api/v1/faucet/send',

You get this error when your balance is not enough to make a payment to your users. Transfer a sum to your deposit address.

If you have any questions or issues please reach us using our contact form.

Customization / Theming

The faucet script comes bundled with some ready-to-use themes. You can switch between them in your faucet admin area, the changes are immediately visible after saving.

Theme customization

If your wish you can modify a theme by editing the files contained in the themes folder. Every folder there represents a single theme, you can edit one of the already existing themes or you can create a whole new theme.
To start a new theme you can duplicate the default folder and then make your customizations on the copied files. Something goes wrong? Simply switch back to the default theme and restart anew!

The theme templates are written using the Twig template engine. If you are not familiar with the technology you can read the official documentation.